Saturday, February 19, 2011


Liver is probably my favorite word in the English vocabulary. It is not that special of a word, originating from the Old English word lifer and was originally used to describe a temper of man, it was consider one of the bodily humors. However, despite its common and rather boring origins, it has become a huge focus in the medical field with all of the enzymes it produces and all of the problems that can be caused by it's dysfunction.

But I just like the word. It is fun to use, fun to yell, and to giggle to while poking someone's stomach. Just thought I would throw that out there.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Lady Bugs

Lady bugs are my aphid eating friends

I name each one I come in contact with based upon their number of spots
It got really confusing when I had an infestation though
I spent hours remembering people's names
And another bunch of hours naming the new comers