Thursday, March 31, 2011

Hazmat suit and just goofin

I have a class in emergency preparedness. Now, I know what you are thinking, why would a nurse need to have a class in emergency preparedness. (unless you are the weird person out there that thinks that we have a single course to cover just how to work in the ER) And... I will tell you what our emergency preparedness class involves. Basically it is a review of how to find information on several different types of neurological, chemical, and biological agents that could be used in a terrorism attack and have a great potential to infect or kill lots of people if they were to come to a hospital or something like that.

However, that is just the nursing focus of the course, it also covers things like the incident command system (ICS for short) and tells us how to properly handle hazardous situations or other such problems.

Either way, the class had a quasi-field trip where we showed how to identify substances that could be potentially harmful and we were shown the hazmat truck and a lot of other fun stuff like HAZMAT SUITS!!! And yes, I have pictures :)

And for whatever reason, I could not upload the other one, but this one is a pretty good picture of what the suit looks like although you miss the fact that I am carrying a 70 pound tank of oxygen while inside that suit.

This last picture is just for shits and giggles. It was taken by me the night that we had tequila bacon and costume night. PATRON!!!

Aight, well, that is all for now. I will post again when I have some interesting ways to cook faster and better.

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